
Aimee Bearden, FNP-C, FMACP

Hi! I’m Aimee, a board certified nurse practitioner of over 6 years and I am passionate about helping my patients get back to a state of health where they can enjoy life again. After working in the conventional health setting for over 10 years, I experienced how interventions by conventional healthcare standards were often not meeting the needs for the actual HEALTH of most patients (meaning looking, feeling, and functioning at a state that one would describe as healthy). In order to provide more desirable and longer term solutions for my patients struggling with chronic diseases or unexplained symptoms, I furthered her education at the School of Applied Functional Medicine and Functional Medicine Academy and am now a certified Functional Medicine Practitioner. With my experience in conventional and functional medicine, I am stoked to provide you with a holistic approach to health care rather than feeling like I’m just perpetuating sick care with “band aid” medications as is often done in our traditional health care system. If this resonates with you, book a free consult call today to find out how functional medicine can help you feel better, and more importantly, stay better.

Why work with Aimee?

There are so many amazing practitioners out there. I think its super important for bot the practitioner and the patient to feel comfortable with working together with the extensive work we do together! I do a clarity call with every person interested in working with me to make sure we’re a good fit. Schedule on here!

My promise to my patients is that they will not be rushed through their visits and that I’m there for them 100% effort every step of the way. I honestly love getting to know people and I love geeking out on the science of WHY something is happening in a person’s body. This just makes doing functional medicine such a fun and rewarding experience for me.

What else sets me apart? For one, I am not anti-medicine. It's my personal belief that the conventional + functional medicine combined will change the health of our world for the better! Because of conventionally trained mind, I value formulating my treatment plans backed by research. I am quite conservative when it comes to the amount of supplements I prescribe at a time, keeping in mind my patients’ finances as well their daily pill burden (mhmm, polypharmacy includes supplements too!). Last but not least, I am always looking for ways to make my patients’ virtual experience with me easy and pain free! Book a free consult call with me today!